
May 2007: Karnala Trek

Why do you need to visit Karnala?

Karnala Trek – Authored by my friend: Ruturaj Vartak

The trek was finalized !!! phew !!! After endless discussions to pick a peculiar destination. Karnala that was, a bird sanctuary. Why ? ’cause it was an easy one ! well… that was one of the points that contributed towards its vote, another one was its easy accessibility, only 15 mins from Panvel bus depot. Panvel bus depot itself being only 1.30 hrs from Dadar station by ST bus.

Excited !!! Mukti able to make it this time, even Saurabh. Other participants being the regulars, Vijay, Sudani and Neeraj. Good, always need some TP during treks, and Mukti assures that. She is best at it, with Saurabh to add some spice. The Junagadh king, Mr. Ashok Sudani adding the gujrati flavour to our recipe. Vijay and me relishing every moment of it.

Travelling Directions

26th May 2007, As usual I was unable to have sound sleep in the night, waking up every half hr. or so, just to check what time is it. At last waking just before the 4’o clock’s hammering ring. Even without enough sleep, I was contended. Looking forward. A quick brush, and a call to Vj.

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May 2007: Harishchandragad Trek

—- I got a call from my frnd called Anupama.. on Friday 18th May ’07.. and she asked me for a trek !! I had never met this girl – who had asked me for the trek (she was an online friend – thru Orkut)
a Friday evening.. and the day to go was Saturday 19th May 2007 — an over night trek ( way to go – Harishchandragad )

I had already had a bad experience earlier — on my first visit to Harishchandragad.. We couldn’t make it it to the base also… so I was keen to go ahead… All I wondered was.. it was too early to go for Harishchandragad… as it was mid May. But I decided to go ahead .. asked a couple of colleagues…. and my frnd Sid.. and we planned the schedule over phone conversations..

We had a wonderful trek .. just out of nowhere..

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