November 2006: NaneGhat
Why do you need to visit Nane Ghat ?
Nane Ghat
Height : 830m/2724ft
Ideal Time : All round the year
Water Supply : Decent
Cave : Can accomodate 25-30 people
As the name suggests, this is a pass – a pass connecting the Deccan Plateau with its lower-lying neighbour, the Konkan strip. Consequently, this is a well used trail for locals to commute and it is a common sight to find local livestock clumsily navigating the steep and winding route on our way.
Naneghat is said to have been constructed by the Satvahan dynasty that ruled this region from 100BC to 300AD (approximately 350 years). The purpose of this pass was to connect Junnar, their chief town with their ports at Kalyan and Nalasopara. The main cave contains an inscription (in the Brahmi script prevalent in those times) informing us of this and giving further information about the Satvahan Dynasty.
This sheer cliff is a well-known land mark, very clearly visible from the Kokan.
The walls of this pass just out from the main range and hence command a magnificient view of the great bend in the sahyadri. To the north one can have a view of Kalsubai, to the south Bhimashanker, To the north east is Harishchandragad and To the north west is Mahuli across the Kokan plains, with its cleft and shatered pinnacles. To the southwest, behind Siddhagad are seen the level tops of Matheran. The great comb-like rock of chanderi and the pinnacles of Haji Malang are also visible.
This is a pass, which, once in the history, enjoyed prime importance. At Nane ghat the inscriptions, the steps, the rock-cut rest houses, and the cisterns show that as far back as the 1st century B.C.
this route was frequently used. Even now, it carries heavy trade traffic. From Ghatghar, which is the last roadhead from Junnar, one has to walk 6km to reach the pass.
Good water & caves with excellent views.
A broad route gently leads down to the Konkan, & then a flat walk to Vaishakhare and Tokavade(14km).
(From: Trek the Sahyadris book of Harish Kapadia)
We get down at Kalyan, take a bus to Malshejghat and get down at a village called Tokavade. A small road forks out from the main highway near the milestone reading “Otur 54kms” The route takes a turn into the dense forest from here. It takes three to four hours to reach the top.
We can start our trek from a village called Vaishakhere on the road going from Malshej to Murbad.
Around 2 km or so before the village there is Nanacha angtha (Nana’s thumb) marking the direction we have to take.
Centuries of use have marked this trail very well, and it is indeed a wide ‘highway’ of a trail, that cannot be missed. An easy, but relentlessly upward route can take us to the main cave at the pass on the right of our trail in 2-3 hours.
This huge cave is flanked by water tanks and provides a convenient place to stay in.
The trail here is flanked by steep rock walls and an untiring wind — this is the pass. beyond is the huge open plateau – the deccan. on the left are the remains of an old building and compound and on the right, some more caves dot the mountain. one of these houses an old idol of Lord Ganesha.
We can climb up from here to reach some height on the Nanacha angtha. The view from here is incredible. This is also a perfect place to spend time in the evening watching the sun go down.
From Naneghat at about 3kms there is another fort called Jivdhan. If both are coupled together then it is a two day trek.
A note for trekkers DO NOT forget your cameras here. Beg, borrow or steal….its worth it.
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To see the pictures click this link here:
mORON kReAcIONz – Trekking NaneGhat – Photos/Pictures